COVID19 and Humanitarian staff
A recent survey by the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement in 7 countries has found the mental health of staff has been negatively affected.
COVID19 resources
COVID, mental health, PTSD and burnout
Australian study of COVID frontline health workers: Despite low levels of COVID contact, moderate to high levels of psychological distress were reported.
Burnout stories shared by aid workers:
Sexual harassment and discrimination of aid workers
There are countless stories – and for some, the impact lingers. Make sure you are prepared and are aware of support options. Talk with experienced colleagues about this topic.
Mental health crisis amongst aid workers
This is an interesting read and reiterates the key message that staff wellbeing within organizations should not be left to luck or the ad hoc championing by a solo mental health advocate within an organization. Mental health needs to be managed systemically and the competency to do so be a key criteria of any people managers with responsibilities for the efficacy and wellbeing of humanitarian aid workers.
Read about the study:
In a Communications role?
The roles of communications personnel are central to core humanitarian business and funding.
Check out this story:
If you know someone in the media who needs support, refer them to this great resource for journalists:
Guidelines for organizations for managing psychosocial risk
The Mandala Foundation in Australia have also recently published guidelines for Managing Psychosocial Risk across the Assignment Cycle. These guidelines aim to support responsible Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) and staff care practices in the aid sector. For more information, follow the link:
Humanitarian relief workers and trauma related illness
a summary of research to date
Ebola and psychological stress of health care professionals
Guidelines for organizations for managing stress
The Guidelines are free and can be easily downloaded by going to:
There is also a new interactive version of the Guidelines online which permits visitors to the site to click on a Principle of support to be taken to the content of the Guidelines.
High Risk Environments
Every humanitarian organization should be familiar with these guidelines in the preparation and support of aid workers.
For more information, follow the link: UKPTS High Risk Environments Guidance Document
Better protection needed for aid workers
World Mental Health Day - 10th October
The theme of World Mental Health Day this year is Psychological and Mental Health First Aid. Have a look at the World Health Organization’s website: Some great resources to download.