Online operational debriefing training

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Multiple trainee nomination form (download if ordering registrations for more than one trainee)

About the course

This self-paced, mobile microlearning training has been designed for staff working in the international humanitarian sector and whose role is to facilitate an operational debriefing of deployees who have completed their field missions.

The course is likely to be of interest to both humanitarian organisations wanting to upskill or refresh the insight and skills of staff assigned to an operational debriefing role as well as to individuals with an interest, aspiration or role in operational debriefing.

The complete Operational Debriefing Training course comprises three sequential components of participation.

Component 1 involves satisfactory completion of 14 self-paced e-learning modules.

Preview sample of slides here:

Component 2 requires satisfactory participation in a 2-hour interactive (virtual) small group micro-skill coaching session.

Component 3 completes the course with a 2-hour interactive group session that works through a simulated operational debriefing scenario.

Participants have the option to undertake just Component 1 of the training, however, it is recommended that participants engage in all three components of the course. This ensures that theory is put into practice and operational debriefing skills are shared and honed in a supportive and growth oriented environment.

The e-learning modules (Component 1) will require approximately 1.0 – 1.5 days in total to undertake, including the completion and submission of a number of practical assignments. Component 1 can be undertaken on a mobile phone, tablet or desktop device in a micro-learning and self-paced manner. Modules can be downloaded in flight-mode fashion making the learning opportunity portable, flexible and convenient.

Component 2 & 3 small group (live) interactive sessions will require 2 hours for each and will be offered on the Zoom platform. Participants will be able to schedule their involvement in small group session times using a flexible booking app.

With the aid of artificial intelligence, most of the e-learning course content can be translated on request in up to 100 different languages with purported 60-70% translation accuracy.

Further details of each Component of the course are provided below.

Designed to meet an industry gap

The Humanitarian was initially approached by the Standby Partnership Network Duty of Care Working Group in 2021 to develop an online operational debriefing training to support the competency development of members of its Operational Debriefing team. To this end, The Humanitarian, worked together with a reference group of United Nations agencies, NGO and Government deploying organisations within the Standby Partnership Network Duty of Care Working Groups to ensure that design and development met the standards and requirements of humanitarian debriefing.

The course has been designed on the premise that an effective operational debrief facilitates a structured opportunity to optimise learning from the field for both the organisation and the deployee in a factually oriented manner. It helps to identify unanticipated issues; to validate efforts and to critically pinpoint areas for improvement, innovation and growth. An operational debriefing acknowledge achievements and successes; flags concerns; addresses risk factors; helps to defuse and resolve issues as well as to review processes. All this with a view to systematically integrating information into the system of the organisation to enable more effective future operations; an adjustment to program design or project execution and to help in the upholding of ethics, standards and goals chartered by the organisation. This operational debriefing training guides participants in the pragmatics of ‘how to’ in the process of conducting an operational debriefing. Armed with knowledge and skills, the course is designed to increase both confidence and competency of those in an operational debriefing role. It should be noted that this training is not a critical incident debriefing training or training in how to undertake exit interviews or conduct a psychosocial debriefing.

The leads on this training project for The Humanitarian have been Amanda Allan and Isabella McLeod.

Training fees & registration

All three components of the training can be purchased using the Registration form. Keep in mind, however, that Component 1 must be successfully completed before being able to participate in Component 2. Satisfactory participation in Component 2 is a pre-requisite of participation in Component 3.

The cost of Component 1 (the self-paced e-learning modules) is AUD $550 (AUD $605 inclusive of gst).

The cost of Component 2 (the online small group microskills coaching session) is AUD $120 (AUD $132 inclusive of gst).

The cost of Component 3 (the online small group operational debriefing simulation coaching session) is AUD $120 (AUD $132 inclusive of gst).

Purchasers whose permanent residency or business is registered overseas will not be charged the Australian goods and services tax (gst).

To order or register for any or all Components of this e-learning training, go to:  Register interest in or purchase training credits

If you are an organisation registering staff for training, you will also need to upload an Excel Template that provides names and contact details of those members of staff for whom the organisation is purchasing training credits. Download Excel Template here. This link is also provided at the top of this page.

After completing the order registration process, you will have the choice to pay for training credits by Credit Card payment (via STRIPE) or you can opt to receive a Tax Invoice with information as to how to transfer payment via Electronic Funds Transfer (bank) or via Credit Card. Once payment has been received and receipted, you will then be directed to the relevant course component training link.

Self-paced online (mobile) learning

Component 1 of the operational debriefing training comprises 14 self-paced e-learning modules that comprise of a mix of educational slides in text and audio format as well as interactive learning activities, response exercises and Assignments. A minimum 80% mastery is required to satisfy hurdle and course completion requirements.

Component 1 e-learning module topics:

  1. Overview, aims and guiding principles
  2. Mindsets
  3. Formulating questions
  4. Active listening
  5. Structure
  6. Issues that may arise
  7. Notetaking
  8. Policies and protocols for dealing with disclosures
  9. Red flags
  10. How to prepare for an operational debriefing
  11. How to start an operational debriefing
  12. How to close an operational debriefing
  13. Wellbeing, support and self-care
  14. Course Master Quiz

Interactive microskills coaching and simulation experience

Following successful completion of the 14 e-learning modules and practical Assignment tasks, training participants will progress to practicing their skills and applying their learning in an online and interactive group learning environment (via the ZOOM platform).

The first 2-hour interactive session (Component 2) will enable practice and feedback on relevant microskills relevant to undertaking an effective Operational Debriefing session.

The second 2-hour interactive session (Component 3) will facilitate the opportunity to practice and integrate the full range of skills in a sequential fashion via a simulated learning scenario.

To book your place in the online interactive microskill coaching session (Component 2), please enter the 3 digit password you were assigned here: 

To book your place in the online interactive simulated operational debriefing coaching session (Component 3) , please enter the 3 digit password you were assigned here: 

The two 2-hour sessions (Components 2 & 3) are mandatory to full course completion and Course Certificate. However, some participants may choose only to register for Component 1 of the course.

Cancellation policy

Registrants of the course have 3 months in which to complete the training before registration credits expire.

If a participant of Component 1 of the course does not complete all modules within a 3-month period, no refund will be offered and no extensions given. Requests for refunds must be made in writing and prior to the commencement of the 1st e-learning module.

User course credit can be transferred to another user provided request for transfer is received in writing and prior to the first e-learning module being started.

No course refunds will be provided unless in exceptional or extenuating circumstances.

Third party platforms

The Humanitarian uses third party businesses and websites to provide this service.

Snapforms is a platform used for registration and survey purposes. Snapform’s terms and conditions and privacy policy.

EdApp is a mobile e-learning platform. By registering as a new user with EdApp you are agreeing to EdApp’s terms and conditions and privacy policy.

Zoom is a teleconferencing software that will be used to facilitate the interactive training. By signing up to Zoom you are agreeing to Zoom’s terms and conditions and privacy policy.

STRIPE is an international payment processing software platform that is an option for registrants to pay for training registrations using a credit card at the point of Order.  By providing a credit card number, you are agreeing to Stripe’s terms and conditions:

Square is an international e-commerce platform The Humanitarian uses for Invoicing purposes. After completing the registration Order form, participants may choose to purchase /pay for training credits upon subsequent receipt of an Invoice using a credit card link. By using the credit card link, you are agreeing to you are agreeing to Square’s terms and conditions and privacy policy.

Acuity Scheduling is an online booking platform and a Squarespace company. Acuity Scheduling is used as a platform for scheduling interactive coaching and simulation sessions.  Acuity uses Square as its invoicing and payment provider. For more information regarding Acuity Scheduling’s terms of use and privacy policy, follow the links, and

For further information regarding third-party cookies please refer to the terms, conditions and privacy policy on The Humanitarian’s website.

The Humanitarian is not responsible nor liable for any claim or expenses whatsoever related to the misuse or inability to access or apply the learning material in its intended manner.

For further information or enquiries

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