WS1 Psychosocial preparation of staff and volunteers for deployment

Workshop date: Please enquire
Workshop commences: 9.30am
Workshop concludes: 5.00pm
Workshop venue: To be negotiated
Workshop fee:

Per participant fee: AUD $ 352.00 (incl. gst)

[venue, catering and facilitator travel costs additional]

How do I register? Click here
Enquiries? Email: or phone 1300 057 303

How could this workshop make a difference to your practice as a manager?

This workshop gives managers an informed and practical introduction to psychological aspects of deployment. Participants will be able to systematically apply skills and knowledge learnt in the workshop to their current management practice in the preparation of staff and volunteers for deployment.

What are the topics covered in the workshop?

  • Benefits of preparing deployees for assignment
  • Workplace health and safety issues
  • The why, when, how, who, what of integrated psychosocial preparation
  • Emotional phases of deployment
  • Stress associated with transition & adjustment
  • Psychological and psychosocial risk factors that confront aid workers on assignment
  • The role of motivation, expectations, prior experience and assumptions
  • Personality and cultural factors
  • The stress response
  • Traumatic stress and its potential long term impact
  • Coping strategies for dealing with accumulative stress
  • Mental health issues
  • Factors and conditions that enable a resilient response
  • Supporting personal resilience & wellbeing – a shared responsibility approach
  • Preparation simulation and role play practice

What are the take-aways from this particular workshop?

Psychological insight, an applied framework and skill practice in integrating psychosocial aspects of the deployment experience into the assignment preparation phase of mobilization. Feedback from the facilitator offered during simulation and role play practice.

How is the training conducted & facilitated?

Training is conducted in small groups to ensure that training is tailored to meet the needs of workshop participants. All training is designed specifically for the context of managers working in international humanitarian or development agencies. Participants are invited to share their goals and level of experience with the facilitator prior to the training.

Workshops are facilitated in a strongly interactive and specifically contextualized way for those working in the international humanitarian and development sector. Workshops aim to be engaging and may use a variety of training & learning modalities such as contextualization, case examples, participant experience, application of frameworks, demonstration, mini seminars (based on research & practitioner experience), reflective activity, mapping & analysis, group discussions, brainstorming, problem-solving, film clips, hypotheticals and simulations, quizzes, participant-led presentations, role plays (for trying out new skills), coaching and structured peer consultation processes.

Who is the facilitator?

Amanda Allan is the facilitator of this training. She is a psychologist with extensive experience working with international aid agencies, humanitarian aid workers and volunteers. Her work is largely informed by years of professional practice in counselling, briefing & debriefing, facilitating, consulting, mentoring, coaching and education as well as research undertaken as a PhD student at the University of Melbourne over a prolonged period. Amanda led the first Australian 3-day forum in 2003 that envisioned a charter for systematically strengthening the psychological support of aid workers involved in humanitarian work. She also founded the Mandala Foundation and was its executive director up until 2012.

Is there any follow-up to the training such as coaching and mentoring or further training opportunities?

A feature of Amanda’s training is not only its tailored approach but the opportunity for follow-up mentoring or coaching. This is offered on a small group basis or individually by Skype or phone.  Amanda also offers regular peer consultation opportunities for participants who have attended her workshops previously and who are interested in an opportunity for review, reflection, reinforcement or refreshment of concepts covered in previous workshops.